Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Sweetheart's Heart Surgery

On March 10th 2009 my "Sweetheart" Curtis had surgery on his heart at the Dixie Regional Medical center. Dr. Jentzer performed an Ablation on the middle of his heart which was truly a miracle as the surgery was done through his groin and neck. Curtis's heart started racing 4-5 years ago, he would just rest and self heal himself until one day his heart wouldn't stop racing. That was a very bad day as his heart raced at 188 beats per minute for 14 hours. In order to get his heart to beat in rhythm again his heart was stopped completely in the emergency which for me was the hardest experience I have ever endured. The Ablation was given to fix the electrical problem in his heart and in June when we see Dr. Jentzer again we will know if his heart is healed completely. This was a very hard experience for our family and especially me. The surgery went well but Curtis had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia which made his body go into a death migraine. I had to take him back to the emergency and even the Demerol didn't work that was given to him in the emergency room. Bishop Peterson gave Curtis a blessing both before the surgery and after returning from the emergency and he blessed him that he would get better, that I would be given the strength to help him and that he would be blessed in the business. He asked me if I felt that Curtis was going to get better and I said I didn't know and was having a very hard time. The Bishop said: "Believe, he is going to get better." My "Sweetheart" is now getting better every day and I know it is because of the Blessings of the Priesthood. This experience was a great teacher as I know that Heavenly Father heard our prayers and blessed us with more time on this earth. Every day and moment is precious and we must love, forgive and appreciate each other because we never know when our journey is finished here on earth.

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