Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy 32nd Anniversary My Handsome Sweetheart OXO

On our Anniversary August 26th we went to St. George to celebrate our Sweetheart's Day, the Most Wonderful day of my life.
Our very first date was in Provo as we both were attending BYU. Curtis asked me on a date and we went to the Brick Oven for dinner. Over dinner I told Curtis that I would love to date him just as friends because I was planning to marry my Missionary. Curtis said to me that what I had said was fine but that he knew I was right for him. Three months later we were sitting in his blue 240Z and he was holding my hand. He said to me very tenderly that he had always wanted to call the person that he loved Sweetheart. The minute he said this I knew that I had had an answer to my many prayers that had been in my heart since I had been a little girl. My Father Ross had polio and would have to go for long periods of time into the hospital, I would stay at my Grandma and Grandpa Fish's and loved them very much. I remember as a small child that they always called each other Sweetheart and when I would go home I would walk around the house calling for Sweetheart. From this experience as a little child I had locked away in my heart that idea that someday I wanted to be called Sweetheart and only Heavenly Father knew this. In my Patriarchal Blessing it says that I will have the answers to my prayers in righteousness and the desires of my heart and as long as I can remember this has been my secret desire to be a Sweetheart and be called Sweetheart. I had never been told this by anyone except Curtis and I knew at that moment that he indeed was to be my Eternal Sweetheart.
We went to the Brick Oven in St. George remembering that 1st date in Provo many years ago. We always love to go to the Temple and do Sealing so we can feel, hear and remember our Beautiful Temple Marriage but the Temple was closed for cleaning so we went the week before. We just walked along the Beautiful Temple grounds and went to our favorite place which is the rose garden. This place is very special to us as it was on the bench in the rose garden at the Temple that Curtis took my hand and told me that he wanted me to be his for Time and All Eternity and wanted to marry me in this Beautiful White Temple.
We went to a play at the Tuacahn called Crazy for You which was a comedy Love Story put to Gershwin Music with a live orchestra. It was such a fun play with Amazing Tap dancing. We stayed the night at the Trend West Resort and enjoyed a fun breakfast with Shawn, Lindsey, Harlie and Keegee.

We Love our Family with All of our Hearts - OXO -

Beautiful Lindsey Loves her children Darling Harlie and Keegee.

Our Amazing Shawn on his Police Motorcycle - he is the Best Policeman in St. George.

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